

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Financial info next week

So I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for the financial estimate. At this point I've said 'yes' to this proposal based on the medical and social history but with the caveate that I haven't seen the finacial info. I have now had the details for 29 days. That's 29 days of hopes and dreams of a little baby girl born in September. Plans of the trip to get her, plans of camping next year this time with a 9 month old. Plans of everything. I'm so scared. Realistically I have a budget and have to say 'no' if it somes in over that but my heart is so involved after 29 days. I so wish I had all the info so much quicker. So hoping it works out! Hears hoping!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fire pictures

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures. Here are two pictures. The fire is now 70% contained and the smoke is getting much better. For a bit it was quite bad. Fortunately no homes have been destroyed.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

House covered in ash!

So I was away for the weekend and came home to a forestfire! There is a fire 30 km south of town so I'm under a cloud and my house and everything in the yard (and the entire town) is covered in ash. Kind of wierd. It's dark, which is wierd. I also thought I'd be far enough away not to be getting ashed! It's 3000 hectares so a decent size, hopefully it stays away from town and they get it put out soon. Especially since I wanted to go camping out that direction for the July long weekend! I'll post a picture or two tomorrow if everything cooperates.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So it's been a crazy rollercoaster ride! I received the social and medical history yesterday and not giving anything personal away, everything looked good. I wanted a bit more info on a few things but nothing that would stop me from accepting the proposal. I shared this info with my parents since at this point, I thought I was a bit biased (to say the least!) and a second pair of eyes would be good. They both agreed nothing scary was in the histories. So I asked my questions and accepted the proposal today. Have to get yet another criminal records check done, home study update and prior contact check with ministry of children and families. So everything was looking up I was just waiting for the financials (and still am...bit nervous about that) and i was beginning to think things were good. Then the agency in Nevada mentioned that because the birth father was unknown it would take 4 months to terminate his parental rights (which we had already covered) and that I could NOT take the baby to Canada until then. So I was a bit shocked to say the least. She said she had to double check with the Hague process, etc but she didn't think it was possible. I said that was a BIG problem. She asked if I could relocate to Nevada for 4 months! I said I didn't think so. Then I had a minor heart attack and called my agency in BC, who reassured me that Hague doesn't stop me from taking the baby to BC, only a state law would. So just waiting back to hear if there is any state law prohibiting bringing the baby to Canada before the birthfathers rights are terminated. I certainly hope not or I think I'm going to have to turn down this proposal and I reallllllly don't want to do that.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Impatient :)

So I still only have the details I've already published. I'm still waiting for the birthmom's social and medical history. The agency in Nevada didn't know it had to go to my agency here in BC first before it could come to me. Which shouldn't have delayed anything too long, but I guess my agency in Nevada wanted to make sure everything was just right before they forwarded anything to my agency, so they forwarded the info to their Hague specialist. So the Hague specialist is putting together a whole package for my agency that 'should' be ready next week. I feel great knowing the Nevada agency is doing everything by the book but I really want to know a bit more about the situation because I don't want to tell too many extended family members yet until I've accepted the proposal. Oh well, I guess another lesson in patience, I should be getting used to this . . .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chosen!!! And over the MOON !!

So I called my agency in Nevada today for an update and got terrific news!! I've been chosen by a birthmom who is due on September 12. She is carrying a baby girl who is full african american!! I am sooo excited. I will get more info on her social and medical history tomorrow. So trying to keep it together til then.

The reason for a lack of posts until now is that the wait had been getting to me (and I know I had no right with sooo many ppl waiting sooo much longer). Everyday I had someone come up to me (or more than one) and ask me if I'd heard anything and if I knew when. I didn't know when. I had nothing further I could do. No more steps I could take. So it was hard. I had started to eat my lunch in my office instead of the cafeteria to avoid people, which isn't me. But thankfully, soon I should have something to say! :)