

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Some good news

So I got an email from the new agency I'm working with. They are accepting all the paperwork from the past agency. Yipeee. I don't have to do anymore paperwork. I have to adjust my birthparent letter a bit to their format, but I'm fine with that. As for my missing bank draft, it's still missing and they asked me to give them until the end of March for it to show up. Well it hasn't yet, so I guess I'll be asking for my money from them tomorrow and maybe to a lawyer if things go sideways. I'm anxious, but we'll see what happens . . .

Monday, March 15, 2010

Still mad

Well, I talked to the agency that lost my bank draft in the mail and they have asked me to give it another week, so I'm waiting to yell and threaten legal action until next Monday. On the other hand the new agency in Utah and my BC agency have signed an agreement so I can forward my dossier on to them. So I 'might' actually be registered and going forward again. Instead of the being stuck in a whirlpool, like I have been the last month!

Friday, March 12, 2010

sad and mad and a warning

Well up to this point in my adoption journey I had thought things had gone really well. A few ups and downs, but everyone has those right?? We'll I guess I can now sympatize with the other blogs I follow where people occasionally post that they are blue. I have been blue and crying too now. With all my documents lost and my bank draft for $6500 US dollars being lost that certainly did it. My documents were found, but my bank draft is still lost. On Feb 17th it was mailed to me from Utah in REGULAR mail. So in my opinion they are completely stupid. So when it wasn't in the mail today I went to my bank to attempt to cancel it. Here is the warning part, you can't cancel a bank draft and they have no expiration date, unlike regular cheques. So while I could report it lost and the money was put back in my account, if any one finds it and cashes it they will remove the money from my account. So I certainly at this point can't use that money. I'm going to yell at them on Monday and tell them it is their fault but I'm not sure if it will get me anywhere.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Red tape

I should be used to the time things take in the adoption world, but it does still amaze me. I faxed off a release of information form to the agency I was using in Utah to release my file to the new agency I'm using in Utah. I faxed in the form on Feb 18, so yesterday I phoned the agency to see if they had received my file yet. Sigh ... No they had not, they would follow up with them and let me know. Sigh... They didn't call me yesterday or today. So I guess I'll phone everyone tomorrow again. It seems if you don't keep on top of everything all the time, that nothing happens. Sigh.